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​Crochet Long Scarf with Tassels

Dec 19, 2021 08:30 PM
​Crochet Long Scarf with Tassels

You’ll need:

1 skein of Lion Brand Scarfie yarn (‘Silver/Mint’ pictured) or approx. 312 yds. of a comparable category 5 bulky yarn;

Crochet hook 6,5 mm;

Yarn needle;



Size: 71” x 7”.


Stitches control: 13 sts x 6 rows = 4" x 4”.



ch 4

Row 1: HDC in the second ch from the hook and HDC across (3).  Turn.

Row 2: ch 1, 2 HDC in first st, HDC across (4). Turn.

Row 3: ch 1, HDC across, 2 HDC in last st (5). Turn.

Row 4-17: Repeat Row 2 (on even rows) and Row 3 (on odd rows).  Row 17 will have 19 sts across.

Row 18-97: ch 1, HDC across (19).  Turn.

Row 98: ch 1, HDC across, HDC2Tog in last two sts (18).  Turn.

Row 99: ch 1, HDC2Tog, HDC across (17).  Turn.

Row 100-113: Repeat Row 98 (on even rows) and Row 99 (on odd rows).  Row 113 will end with 3 sts across.


Double-Knotted Fringe

Cut 96 - 20” lengths of yarn.  You will use 6 strands per “fringe”.

Starting at the point of the scarf, attach fringe on the angled edge of the scarf at every other row. You should have a total of 8 sections of fringe on each side of the scarf.

Tie the fringe using the double-knotted fringe method.  Make sure your fringe is tied evenly spaced and follows the angle of the edge of the scarf.  Once you are happy with the way the fringe is tied, trim your fringe to desired length.

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