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​Crochet Berry Color Dress

Dec 04, 2021 03:01 AM
​Crochet Berry Color Dress
​Crochet Berry Color Dress
​Crochet Berry Color Dress

You’ll need:

550g of crimson color yarn (100% acryl; 500m/100g);

50g of the same yarn, but in berry color;

Crochet hook 1,3;

1 m of fabric for backing;

12 round buttons.


Size: M.




Make a chain of ½ waist circumference + 5 chain sts for loose fitting. Make 50 rows of single crochets straight. Decrease 10 sts from both sides for arm-holes in the next row. Work straight with single crochets from the 52nd to 78th rows. After that, work only on edging sts for 10 cm from both sides for neck-hole. Decrease 2-3 crochets for shoulder chamfer forming in every row. After making the 105th row, finish your work.



Make in the same way, as front to 14 cm. After that, divide all sts in half and finish each side separately. Make arm-hole in the same way, as for front. After the 98th row, work only on edging 10 cm from both sides for neck-hole, as for front. Finish your work at the height of front.



Make 121 chain sts and work due to the scheme 1 (totally, 5 pattern repeats). After that, step back about 3,5 cm from the 1st row to down, make auxiliary row of single crochets. After that, work due to the scheme 2 (totally, 5 pattern repeats). Also step back 3,5 cm to down from the second detail, make auxiliary row and work due to the scheme 3 (totally, 3 pattern repeats). Make fringes in the same way due to the schemes 1-3, add 1 main element to each scheme in every row. Match with pattern design. Make fringes due to the schemes 1 and 2 x once, add 1 main element to each scheme = 8 fringes. ½ part of skirt is finished. Make another part in the same way.



Fasten neck-hole, bottom edge of bra with single crochet with berry color yarn. Make side and shoulder seams. Join berry yarn 2 cm from shoulder seam and make 8 single crochets, then, make slip st from another side of shoulder seams. Make 1 chain st increase, 10 single crochets in the next row, slip st. Work this way, catching 1 st of arm-hole in every row from both sides. Totally, make 26 rows.



Make backing from fabric, matching with pattern design, but make it 5 cm shorter. Sew backing to skirt. Sew buttons.

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