Square Crochet Napkin

1 r.: crochet amigurumi circle and close it;
2 r.: make 3 sp for lifting, 1 sp * 1 BP dc, then 1 sp*, repeat till the end between**. Finish the row with the lark st.;
3 r.: 3 sp knit together with the 2 BP 1 dc, then *2 sp 3 BP dc, knitted around the sp of the previous row*, continue till the end from * to *. Finish crochetting at this stage with 1 BP dc, knitted in the top of sp;
4 r.: now you'll get the square. Cast on 7 sp (4 of them goes on lifting, 3 on crochetting the edge), and then around the lower st. knit 3 BP 2 dc. Then crochet *3 BP dc, 5 BP sc, 3 BP dc, 3 BP 2 dc, 3 sp, 3 BP dc. *Motif between** repeat on the circle, finish it with 3 BP dc, 5 BP sc, 5 BP dc, in the end – lark st.;
5 r.: cast on 3 sp for lifting. Then make an edge by means of *3 BP dc, 3 sp, 3 BP dc, 6 BP dc, 5 sp, 1 BP dc, 5 sp, 6 BP dc*, repeat this motif till the end, but finish with 5 BP dc and make a lark st.;
6 r.: this is the final line, and at this stage you can finish crochetting a motif or smoothly move on to work on the next, connecting them together. The pattern of completion of the first motif is completely repeated with 5 row of square. The following elements should be crochetted using these schemes: reaching the last corner, you need to crochet not 3, but only 1 sp, and knit the next st. through the corner of the finished element, then 1 sp continue to work using the above schemes.