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Helping our users. ​Crochet Dog’s Band.

Jun 19, 2020 03:13 AM
Helping our users. ​Crochet Dog’s Band.

You’ll need:

Red Heart 4 ply WW Yarn;

Hook Size G;

2-buttons large enough to button in between stitches on the band;

Coordinating thread;

Sewing needle.



R1: Ch70. Sc in hump of second ch from hook. Sc in the hump of ea rem ch. (69sc)

R2: Ch1, turn. Sc in first st. (Ch1, sk next st, sc in next st) across.

R3: Ch1, turn. Sc in ea st and in ea ch1 sp.

Fasten off.

R4: Reattach yarn in the 20th st from where you fastened off. Ch1, sc in same st.
(Ch2, sk next sc. Sc in next sc) across, leaving the last 20 sts unworked.

R5: Ch1, turn. Sc in next ch2 sp. (Ch2, sc in next ch2 sp) across. Sc in last sc.

Rep R5 until you have 1 ch2 sp.

Last Row: Ch1, turn. (sc, ch1, sc) in ch2 sp. Sl st in next st.

Fasten off.

Sew buttons or snap onto band

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