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​Felting Rose

Feb 24, 2020 03:24 AM
​Felting Rose
​Felting Rose
​Felting Rose
​Felting Rose
​Felting Rose

You'll need:

Spun wool for felting combed ribbon of merino pink and green colours;
felting needles;
PU foam;
hot water;


Comb a little cloud of pink wool, put on a brush and beat with needles. Thus, form 7 identical petals.

Lay the petals in a row overlapping each other, then tilt the bottom a little. This area is circled in the picture.

Twist into a roll and secure with a needle the base of the rose, tangled the wool.

Make a receptacle (lower part of the bud) combing the green hair and placing it on the brush.

Make 5 sepals in the same way and lay them with a needle on the base of the rose.

Make a leaf and rest on a flower.

Wet the flower with hot (not boiling water) water and gently soap it.

Give the ornament at the edges of the leaf using scissors.

Continue the felting process, paying attention to each part of the rose, emphasizing the desired shape.
Rinse the rose in warm, then in cold water, wring and dry.
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