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Crochet Wattle Stitch Washcloth

2024-05-23 07:30:18
Crochet Wattle Stitch Washcloth

Unleash your creativity and dive into the world of crochet with the mesmerizing Wattle Stitch Washcloth. This unique pattern combines simplicity with elegance, making it the perfect project for both beginners and experienced crocheters alike. With just a few basic stitches, you'll be able to create a stunning washcloth that not only serves a practical purpose but also adds a touch of charm to your bathroom decor. The Wattle Stitch Washcloth is a versatile piece that can be customized to match your personal style. Whether you prefer vibrant and bold colors or soft and subtle hues, the choice is yours. The stitch pattern creates a beautiful texture that not only feels great against your skin but also provides excellent scrubbing power. Imagine the satisfaction of using a washcloth that you've crafted with your own hands, knowing that it's not only functional but also a work of art.


WeCrochet Dishie (#4) worsted

100% Cotton



crochet hook

Other Materials:


Measuring Tape

Yarn Needle


With FSC foundation row:

12 sts x 11.5 rows = 4”

Pattern Difficulty:


Stitches Needed & Abbreviations:

ch(s) – chain(s)

st(s) – stitch(es)

sc – single crochet

dc – double crochet

FSC – chainless foundation single crochet

Lch – long chain – pull up a loop the length of a dc, chain 1

* – repeat from


8.5” x 8.5”

Pattern Notes:

Pattern is in US terms.

Pattern is worked in a multiple of 3 + 2.

When counting stitches, include ch spaces.


Row 1: FSC 38

Row 2: Lch, turn, 1 dc in 1st st, (sc, ch 1, dc) in next st, skip 2 sts, *(sc, ch 1, dc) in next st, skip 2 sts; repeat from * across to last st, 1 sc in last st. (38)

Row 3: Lch, turn, 1 dc in 1st st,*(sc, ch 1, dc) in next ch-1 space; repeat from * across to last st, 1 sc in last st. (38)

Rows 4-23: Repeat row 3.

Row 24: ch 1, 1 sc in each sc and dc across (skipping over ch spaces). (26)

Fasten off. Weave in ends.

2024-05-23 07:30:18
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