Helping our users. Light-Green Knit Pullover.

You’ll need:
500 (550)g of light-green Basics Stop yarn (50% viscose, 50% microfiber; 105m/50g);
Straight and circle knitting needles 4,5.
Size: S (M).
Used Patterns
Stockinette stitch: in RS rows – knit sts, in WS rows – purls, in circle rows – knit sts;
Relief pattern: the quantity of sts is multiple 10 + 1 + 2 selvage sts. Work due to the scheme, on which only RS rows are stated, make WS rows and yarn overs as purls. Start with 1 selvage st and st before pattern repeat, pattern repeat, finish with sts after pattern repeat and 1 selvage st. Repeat 1st-8th rows x 4 times, 33rd-62nd rows x once, 35th-62nd rows x once, 91st-94th rows x once, then repeat 93rd and 94th rows on front and back. Repeat 35th-62nd rows on sleeves.
Stitches control: relief pattern: 21 sts x 27 rows = 10 x 10 cm.
Cast on 93 (103) sts with criss-cross method and work with relief pattern. In 41,5 cm (= 112 rows) from the set-up row, bind off 3 sts from both sides for arm-holes and 7 x 1 st in every 2nd row = 73 (83) sts. In 59 cm = 160 rows (60,5 cm = 164 rows) from the set-up row, bind off the central 17 sts for neck-hole and finish both sides separately. For smooth rounding, bind off 1 x 5 sts, 1 x 3 sts, 1 x 2 sts and 1 x 1 st in every 2nd row from inwards. In 63 cm = 170 rows (64,5 cm = 174 rows) from the set-up row, bind off the rest 17 (22) sts for each shoulder from both sides.
Make in the same way, as back, but with deeper neck-hole. For this, in 34 cm = 92 rows from the set-up row, bind off the central st and finish both sides separately. Decrease 19 x 1 st in every 2nd row from inwards for chamfer.
Note: the quantity of yarn overs should be the same as the quantity of sts knit together and vice versa, i.e., don’t make yarn overs or make knit2tog or broaching instead of knit3tog, depending on the pattern.
Cast on 63 (73) sts and work with relief pattern. In 41,5 cm = 112 rows from the set-up row, bind off 3 sts from both sides for sleeve cap, 4 (6) x 1 st in every 2nd row, 5 (3) x 1 st in every 4th row and 2 (4) x 1 st, 1 x 2 sts, 2 x 3 sts in every 2nd row. In 56,5 cm = 152 rows from the set-up row, bind off the rest 19 (25) sts.
Make shoulder seams. Cast on 68 (71) sts on circle knitting needles along the neck-hole chamfers, 1 st of V-neck (= central st), 34 sts along the back neck-hole = 171 (177) sts and make the placket with circle rows in the following way: 1 row of purls, but the central st – knit st, 2 rows of stockinette stitch, 1 row of knit2tog and 1 yarn over, 2 circle rows of stockinette stitch. Bind off all the sts as purls. Sew up the sleeves, make side and sleeve seams.